All Programs At Nait

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All Programs At Nait College

Health ServicesHealth Services is a team of healthcare professionals and support staff that strive to provide friendly, accessible services to the NAIT community. Our goal is to provide excellence in care and to promote a safe, healthy learning and working environment.We offer a variety of services to all students and staff. In the event of illness or injury, nurses are available to provide assessment and care. We can also help you find, such as walk-in medical clinics, public health centres, hospitals, family doctors accepting new patients and a variety of other community services.Our services are provided free-of-charge in a non-judgmental, confidential setting.

Nait Admissions

There are 3 Health Services locations to assist you. Come into health services to join our Happy & Healthy Well-being program. Working with one of the nurses you will receive not only support in attaining your goals but the Happy & healthy – a Guide to your well-being.

This guide provides practical information for those with a desire to learn new healthy habits, change unhealthy habits and gain awareness of the key factors that contribute to personal health and well-being. While you may choose to directly connect with the area(s) that best suits your current needs after the initial visit, we would also love to see you back in health services to follow-up on how things are going with your goals. DisclaimerHealth Services follows the privacy legislation and laws that are controlled under federal and provincial jurisdiction including, but not limited to, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP), Health Information Act, Health Professions Act, Privacy Act, Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act and the Personal Information Protection Act.Disclosure of personal medical information requires the written consent of the patient, except in very limited extraordinary circumstances.